Seriously, a vest attached to pants? I swear my younger sister (not this sister - she's the older one) would have lived in one of those in elementary school, if only for comfort. If the pants had been stirrup then she might still be wearing them now hehe. But I digress...
I thought if I took the pattern and made a cute bubble short and adjusted the buttons it might be a nice fit for Bean. Part of the series had guest bloggers doing just that: making a swan out of an ugly duckling.
So I cut everything out of a scrap of green distressed denim I had, made the adjustments I wanted, and lined it with an old men's shirt. I think it turned out cute. I had to pair it with a turtle neck I made in the fall since it was still freezing cold when I took these pictures, but I think with a little pink tank it'd be adorable.
I had the buttons follow the front edge of the vest to deemphasize the ridiculous heart shaped waistline.
I also love it paired with a belt. Keep in mind, that a girl the age of the one on the front of the pattern itself would STILL look ridiculous even in this version. I think the cuteness comes mainly from it being so bubbly on a toddler.
Of course the outfit was finished the night before the series ended, but I didn't have a chance to take the pictures until the next morning. Now it's been almost three weeks and I'm just getting the chance to post. Hehe, life with a toddler.
In other news, it is GORGEOUS here in Maryland this week. We are spending as much time outside as possible. I figure we have about a month or so before the humidity has us begging for cold weather again, hehe.
As usual, linking up to: