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Friday, March 14, 2014


Sorry I've been a little MIA over the past week, but I've been busy, busy behind the scenes, I promise.  My Bio is up today on Project Run & Play's site, which of course makes everything seem more real and stressful, hehe.

Season 9 starts on the 24th of March and there is lots to do before it gets here.  I have a couple of fun things to post next week that are not Project Run & Play related so you can look forward to that, too.

In the meantime, here is a picture of a couple of cute newborn things I made for one of my friend's new baby girl.  She's a foster baby so even though they will probably not be able to keep her forever, I wanted to send something she could wear while she is in their care.  The pants were self drafted ages ago and they are super quick to make.

The jumper is the Jamie Jumper from the Little One Layette patterns by Fishsticks Designs.  I love this pattern.  I drafted a similar one with a zipper when Bean was a baby, but who knows were that pattern went so I opted to print out this Fishsticks one.  Also, sometimes it's easier when sewing for someone else's kids to just use a pattern you trust for sizing, you know?

Speaking of sizing, I like to throw a tailor's tape (*affiliate link) into the gift box that the receiver can throw in their junk drawer so the next time I call asking for their kid's sizes they'll be able to take them.  I've had enough conversations where I explain that first you'll need to put a string around the kid's waist and then measure the string only to have the parent explain that they don't have string.  So even though dental floss would work in a pinch (except everyone's using those dang placker things now), it's a lot easier to just send along a flexible tape measure, hehe.

Anyway, be sure to check back next week to see just what I've been getting up to behind the scenes over here!